how to stay in ketosis in 8 steps

8 Ways To Maximize Your Keto Lifestyle


You might be a few weeks in or a few months in to your journey when suddenly – you hit a weight loss stall on Keto.

No weight drop, no inches gone.

Your weight loss has stalled on keto even though you are doing everything the same as you always have.

A weight loss stall on keto can be really frustrating and a bit disheartening as well, but don’t give in.

It is crucial to remember that the Ketogenic way of eating is not a quick fix, it’s not a crash diet and it’s not overnight.


You are making a lifestyle change that will affect the rest of your life.

What else have you learned in your life that has such a dramatic change, that hasn’t come with it’s own share of trial and error, mistakes and research?

We are all different, and will all react differently to Keto.

Your current state of health is an accumulation of everything you have done to this point, so it is a matter of trial and error.

I have compiled the below information throughout my time on Keto and hope that it helps you on your journey.

There’s a lot of information here, so sit back, grab a bullet proof coffee and take your time.

What is a true Keto Weight Loss Stall?

The first step is identifying whether you are actually in a stall.

It is common for people to panic after not having weight loss after just 3 or 4 days and start researching like crazy.

It is key to remember that a few days, or even 1 or 2 weeks, is not necessarily a stall.

Once you get to 3 – 4 weeks at the same weight and measurements is when you can start assessing what is happening to break that stall.

Also, you want to make sure you are in and staying in a ketosis state. The one thing I always recommend for those doing Keto is Purefit KETO.

Do not look at this as a magic pill. You should still be following the same Keto rules. However, this makes things A LOT easier for you and gives you peace of mind. It is an effective and simple way to make sure you get in and stay in a ketosis state.

The Whoosh Effect

Your body isn’t going to lose weight every day. Burning fat is a complex process, and your body doesn’t burn fat and lose weight at the same time – it does one and then the other.

You might have heard of ‘The Whoosh Effect”.

This theory is that as you burn fat, sometimes you’ll notice certain areas on your body that feel sort of soft and squishy – I noticed this particularly around my stomach, bum and thighs.

Then, a few days later, this disappears and you get a sudden ‘Whoosh” on the scale!

After you’ve lost fat consistently for a while, your body starts holding on to more water. This was observed in the Minnesota Starvation Experiment where the participants’ weight loss would slow down dramatically, and then they would suddenly drop on the scales as their cells let go of the water it was holding on to.


The diagram below makes the rounds in the Keto community and helps explain this effect;


So if it’s been a week or two of a weight loss stall on keto, your body might be preparing for a whoosh and it’s important to trust the process and that Keto works.

If you’re more like 3 or 4 weeks at the same weight, it’s time to reassess your keto approach and below are 8 reasons why you could be stalling, and what to do about them.

Problem 1: Carb Creep

This is one of the most common issues that can affect weight loss on keto. Keeping your carbs to a minimum really is the key to being in nutritional ketosis, and having your body run on ketones/fat rather than carbs.


Track those carbs, or stick to green list foods only. Track everything – every spice, onion, sauce etc etc as the total may end up a lot higher than you first thought!


Problem 2: You are nearing your goal weight

As you get closer to your goal weight, your weight loss will naturally slow down. In the beginning, especially if you have a lot to lose, the weight loss can happen at a staggeringly fast pace.

It will naturally slow down as your body has less fat to be consuming to make up your calorie deficit, and may grind to a halt as your body says nope, that’s all folks!

Solution: Get a body fat test/scan done.

This will help you work out if you should actually be losing any more body fat, and what your true goal weight should be. We obsess about the scales way too much, and it can be damaging to our self esteem and motivation .

Problem 3. Your macros are off

This happens all the time causing weight loss stall with keto.

Your macros should be around 5% carbs, 20% protein and 75% fat, and generally you shouldn’t have more than a 20 – 25% calorie deficit – ie. 25% less calories than you need for the day.

Your Keto mantra should be:


Carbs are a limit, Protein is a goal, Fat is a lever


What does this mean?

Carbs – don’t go over

Protein – push yourself to get to it every day

Fats – add fat until you are full


Making these calculations early in your Keto journey isn’t as important, however if you are hit with a weight loss stall on keto it may be something to consider.

Purefit KETO is also a big help in this situation as slight miscalculations can throw everything off. Purefit KETO helps keep things going smoothly.

Problem 4. Too much protein.. or not enough

Related to the above, protein is a really key macro (as they all are!) but is often misunderstood or pushed to the side with the heavy focus on fat in the keto way of eating.

Too little protein can cause muscle loss, fatigue, low sex drive, depression, anxiety and anaemia. Too much protein and you won’t be in ketosis and your body will look to protein for fuel, which can lead to muscle break down.


Solution: Calculate how much protein you need.

The general rule of thumb most people use is;

  • Sedentary: .6 – .8grams per pound of body weight
  • Moderately active: .8 – .1 grams per pound of body weight
  • Highly active 1 – 1.2 grams per pound of body weight

Problem 5. You aren’t eating enough

Eat less, move more… right? This is what we’ve been told for decades – you are overweight because you eat too much and you are lazy.

We all now know that weight gain and loss is so much more complex than this, but shaking the idea that eating less = more weight loss can be really difficult.

I regularly see people saying they are eating 800 or 1000 calories a day.

If you have substantial body fat, you can not be hungry for long periods of time as your body is consuming your fat stores instead.

Of course, this is what we want, but you need to be hitting your protein macro and of course getting in sufficient nutrients at the same time.


Calculating how much you should be eating, even with a substantial calorie deficit, will get you on the right path.

Focus on the Keto Mantra: Carbs are a limit, Protein is a goal, Fat is a lever. Balance your meals around protein and vegetables, keeping carbs low, and add fat to keep you full.

Problem 6. Food sensitivities and fake foods

It is easy to get caught up in all the delicious fake keto foods out there – I’m talking about the packaged brownies, cookies, chocolate bars etc. Look at the ingredients and these things are loaded with artificial EVERYTHING.

Food sensitivities can also play a huge role. While you are eating keto, you are trying to heal your entire digestive system, and part of this can spark food sensitivities that you never knew were there.


Solution: Cut it Out! 

Many people have great success cutting out some or all of the following;

  • Dairy
  • Nuts
  • Any prepackaged ‘keto’ foods eg. protein bars, shakes and the like
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Preservatives (like those in wine)


If you are sensitive to a certain food, eating it can cause internal inflammation and you could be holding on to water weight, leading to your weightloss stall on keto. Try cutting out something you suspect is derailing you for 3 weeks, and then reintroduce it slowly to see if you have a reaction.


Problem 7. Eating too often

Keto can be an incredibly liberating way of eating. For the first time, you are encouraged to have all those delicious snacky foods like cheese, nuts and cream.

The issue is a lot of people can be tempted to go overboard and end up eating frequently, and too much.

Many of the common keto snack foods are very calorie dense and can add up very quickly.

Eating too frequently can also be taxing on your digestive system, and many people are reaping the benefits of fasting in its many different forms.


Plan your meals and only eat when hungry, focusing on satisfying your protein goal.

Problem 8. Stress, sleep and overall health

Your body is more interconnected than we could ever possibly imagine.

If you are lacking in sleep, are overly stressed or are in otherwise poor health, everything will be affected including your weight loss stall on keto.

Solution: The usual of course – sleep more, stress less and exercise!

Exercising for just 30 minutes a day can improve all of these factors. It can be a brisk walk or jog, some pilates or yoga from youtube or running around with your kids or dog. It might just be the thing to end your weight loss stall on keto.

Also, I cannot emphasize enough how much Purefit KETO can help get your body in ketosis and start burning fat instead of carbs so I definitely recommend trying it out.

Best Diets Plans for Women 2018

If you’re looking for a diet plan that will finally get you the results you want in in the least amount of time while still being healthy, you’re in luck!

I’ve taken the liberty of doing a little research to find the top 5 diet plans women have been seeing worthy transformations. While we might be able to see the physical changes in appearance, I’m sure there are many invisible changes and benefits we can’t.

This is only a short list of some popular effective diets proven to get results and the basic concept behind them.

So without further ado…

1. The Atkins Diet


Claim to Fame: The goal of the Atkins diet is to lose weight by a avoiding carbohydrates and controlling insulin levels. You can still eat as much fat and protein as you want though!

Main idea: According to Dr. Atkins, the main reason for putting on weight is the consumption of refined carbohydrates, especially sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and flour.

How it works: When a person is on the Atkins Diet, their body’s metabolism switches from burning glucose, or sugar, as fuel to burning using stored body fat. This switching is called ketosis. You’ll see this mentioned over and over as a common principle in other diets as well.

The Atkins Diet has four main goals.

  • lose weight
  • maintain weight loss
  • achieve good health
  • lay the permanent groundwork for disease prevention


2. The Paleo Diet


Claim to Fame: Doesn’t require counting calories and allows you to eat until you’re satisfied.

Main Idea: If a caveman (or cavewoman) didn’t eat it, neither should you.

At some point humans evolved from hunter-gatherers to farmers. When this happened our diets shifted from eating meat, fruits and vegetables, to a diet consisting of primarily grains such as bread, pasta, rice, etc. Some think it’s the healthiest way to eat since it’s based on our history and what the hunter-gatherers of early civilization ate.

How it works: Still very popular today, the paleo diet suggests only eating things that the earliest of humans might have eaten such as meat, grains, vegetables, and fruit, but excluding dairy, grain, sugar, and processed foods. Some experts say that although our diets have changed, our genetics have not and still need time to catch up.

The secret to the Paleo diet is this…we know carbohydrates turn into sugar to be used for energy, so you consume as little as possible. When there’s no more sugar to use as fuel, your body is forced to burn fat as an energy source. So by lowering your carbohydrate and sugar consumption, you’re forcing your body to burn fat through a process called ketogenesis.

Click here for secret Paleo diet recipes


3. The Zone Diet


Claim to Fame: Dr. Barry Sears, who developed the Zone diet, claims it is closely linked to ideas of human evolution, with the aim of preventing “diet-controlled inflammation.” The benefits include healthier weight, less sickness, and slower aging.

Main Idea: Just 8,000 years ago, grains, bread, and pasta were not part of the human diet. Human genes change as their environment changes, but this is a slow process.

Therefore, even 100,000 years is a relatively short period in evolutionary terms. The Zone diet takes this into account and provides a diet plan based on what foods we should eat, according to our genetic makeup.

How it works: The Zone diet involves reducing intake of carbohydrates to ensure healthy insulin levels, and consuming plenty of omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols. The goal of this diet is to reduce inflammation.

  • Meal plans make use of lean meats and natural carbohydrates.
  • Reducing inflammation is the primary goal.
  • Critics of the diet point out that fewer carbohydrates can lead to a lower fiber intake.
  • Maintaining insulin levels within what Dr. Sears calls a “therapeutic zone,” makes it easier to burn excess body fat and keep it off permanently.


4. The 2 Week Diet


Claim to Fame: A Foolproof, Science-Based System that’s Guaranteed to Melt Away All Your Unwanted Stubborn Body Fat in Just 14 Days…No Matter How Hard You’ve Tried Before!

Main Idea: The 2 Week Diet contains scientific methods used by bodybuilders, celebrities and fitness gurus. It uses little-known techniques to help your body melt away unwanted weight in 2 weeks.

How it Works: When we eat, the fat we consume is broken down into fatty acids. The fatty acids are small and can travel through cell walls to be used as energy. Fat that isn’t used as energy is returned and stored in are fat cells. These fatty acids later form into triglycerides that are then too large to pass through the cell walls to be used as energy. The triglycerides become what is known as stubborn body fat.

By targeting those triglycerides, they can be broken back down into fatty acids that can be used as energy.

Learn more about The 2 Week Diet Here


5. The Ketogenic “Keto” Diet


Claim to Fame: This high-fat, average-protein, low-carb diet has been used in medicine primarily to treat difficult-to-control epilepsy in children.

Main Idea: This diet promotes the metabolic formation of ketone bodies by causing the body to use fat as its primary energy source.

How it Works: The word “keto” comes from the molecule your body produces known as ketone. When there’s a low supply of glucose (sugar) in the body, ketones are used as an alternative energy source. Sugar is the body’s preferred source of energy. Since sugar is produced by carbohydrates, when there’s a low amount of carbs in the body, it turns to fatty acids into ketones for energy.

Claim Your Free Ultimate Ketogenic Diet Cookbook

Some of these diets are similar in the fact that they’re low carbohydrate focused. This could potentially cause brain fog and low energy levels until your body adapts to the changes in diet. As always, you should consult your physician before undergoing any new diets.

Here’s the truth about the Ketogenic Diet.

I hope these helped give you an idea and good luck on your journey to a healthier lifestyle!


5 Best Home Workout Gyms for 2019

If you’re ready for a home workout gym so you can get your fitness on whenever you want, I did some research and found the best home workout gyms available and they’re even on Amazon.

It’s important to know what you want out of your home gym. Convenience and versatility are major concerns. Also, I understand everyone has different training goals so I tried to recommend home gyms that I felt were complete and could benefit anyone ready to start exercising at home.

Here’s a list of my 5 favorite home workout gyms in no particular order…

1. Marcy Diamond Elite Smith Workout Machine

Marcy Home Workout GymThe Marcy Diamond Elite Smith Cage is designed for the home, but built like a club machine. This total body training system includes a Smith machine, with precision, linear bearings, an Olympic free-weight rack and a cable routed pulley system.

This is complete all-in-one training system features an innovative structure that combines arm and leg stations for training different muscle groups and implementing comprehensive workouts. This limits the need to change equipment between workouts.

The Marcy Diamond Smith Cage combines 3 different machines into one compact design allowing you to perform over 100 exercises. It also comes with a unique dual pulley system cable cross that allows you to perform functional type exercises to train sport specific and everyday movements.

2. Powerline Home Gym with Leg Press

Powerline Home Workout Gym

The Powerline Home Gym is user-friendly, multi-functional and cleverly engineered to offer various free-range movements and exceptional range of motion for any size user.

The weighted stack is 160 lbs but you can upgrade it to 210 lbs. It includes an adjustable seat to accommodate a range of heights. This training system also has functional fixed pulleys for pulled downs and cross overs to target those stabilizer muscles.

In addition to the main training unit, there’s also a leg press seat.

With a 10-year warranty, you’ll know if anything if there’s a problem it will be taken care of.

3. Body Solid G1S Compact Home Gym

Body Solid Home Workout Station

The G1S is the newest and updated addition to the Body Solid home gym collection. This compact workout station is a little smaller than the others but it still supports a 160 lbs weight stack.

With 40 exercises to choose from, you’ll be sure to hit all those muscle groups you’re aiming for. It also has a multi-grip arm press and adjustable seat. With the smaller size comes a smaller price tag as well.

The best part is, Body Solid really delivers with a lifetime warranty on everything. It also includes a lat bar, straight bar, ankle strap, ab/tricep strap, water bottle and towel holder, and the Total Body Workout™ DVD.

4. Bowflex Xtreme 2SE Home Gym


The Bowflex Xtreme 2 SE bring the reliability that comes with Bowflex, and puts it into a machine that is capable of performing over 70 exercises. This home gym comes with a standard 210 lbs resistance with the option to upgrade to 310 lbs or even 410 lbs!

It also includes a Lat Tower, leg extension, an abdominal crunch harness and a 4-position lower pulley/squat station.

The Xtreme 2 SE utilizes Bowflex’s patented Power Rods that provide resistance instead of free weights which can cause join paint. What’s always been cool about the Bowflex system is how easy it is to change the cables.

5. Body Solid G10B-LP Bi-Angular Gym with Leg Press

This is the Big Kahuna! Body Solid Home Workout Gym has their Bi-Angular® Technology. The Bi-Angular Press Arm actually provides resistance from two directions. This is suppose to increase muscle interaction by 25%.

This means you should see results even faster. The Bi-Angular arms also give you different angles to do chest presses. It includes swivel style arms for increased range of motion which allows for deeper stretching and muscle development.

You’ll also be able to target those biceps and biceps with the 3 height adjustable pulleys. It supports a 210 lbs stack. Don’t worry you can hit your legs too! The GLP Leg Press has a 2:1 which means that 210 lbs feels like 420 lbs. If you still need more weight, you can upgrade the stack with an additional 50 lbs.

Of course there’s a ton of home gyms available on Amazon, I just took the time to look through and see which ones give the best options based on versatility and also reviews.

I hope you enjoy a your new home workout machine if you decide to get one. A healthier life is always a more enjoyable one!

The 7 Day Sugar Detox Meal Plan

Try these meals for your 7 day sugar detox


It’s a well known fact that sugar is the cause of many health concerns such as high blood pressure, diabetes and yes…weight gain. Unfortunately, sugar is found in all our favorite things to eat like red velvet cake and pumpkin pie!

Aside from the well known side effects of too much sugar, here’s some more reason to minimize the amount of sugar your consume:

  • Sugar actually has no nutritional value. Your body doesn’t need sugary foods or added sugars for energy. Our body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar to use for energy.
  • Sugar has been known to deplete the body of healthy minerals such as zinc, potassium, and magnesium.
  • While sugar may not directly cause diabetes, the effects of excess amounts can increase a person’s risk for developing the condition.
  • Often times sugar gives you an energy boost for 30 minutes to an hour, and then you end up crashing.
  • Sugar can lead to weight gain and when combined with high insulin levels, could increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.
  • You’re going to look older faster. A natural process known as glycation, in which the sugar in your bloodstream attaches to proteins to form harmful new molecules called advanced glycation end products (or, AGEs). More sugar means more AGEs and damage to collagen and elastin, the protein fibers that keep skin firm and elastic.
  • Eating or drinking too much sugar curbs immune system cells that attack bacteria. Did you know sugar competes with Vitamin C for space in your immune cells?

Who would have thought something soooo good can be soooo bad for you?

The good news is there’s a 7 Day Sugar Detox to get rid of all that nasty sugar in your body….temporarily of course. A girl’s gotta eat! :0)

Here’s the menu for the 7 Days if you decide to do the Sugar Detox:

  • Breakfast: Cheesy spinach baked eggs
  • Mid-morning snack: Tamari almonds
  • Lunch: Green salad and low-carb cheesy sweet pepper poppers
  • Dinner: Cucumber tomato feta salad with baked stuffed chicken & spinach
  • Snack: Low-fat ricotta cheese, ¼ cup part skim, a few drops vanilla stevia, and ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Breakfast: Sun-dried tomato feta frittata
  • Mid-morning snack: Tamari almonds
  • Lunch: Chicken& pepper poppers & spinach
  • Afternoon snack: Spinach dip with raw veggies
  • Dinner: Turkey lettuce cups, mushrooms, peppers, and sautéed spinach
  • Snack: A cheese stick
  • Breakfast: Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Three hard boiled eggs, yolks removed
  • Lunch: Leftover Turkey Lettuce Cups along with mixed green salad with cucumber, sweet peppers, tomatoes, dressed with extra virgin olive oil AND vinegar
  • Afternoon Snack: Feta frittata
  • Dinner: Grilled chicken with fresh herbs with light vegetable soup
  • Snack: Dairy free sugar-free vanilla chia pudding
  • Breakfast: Sante Fe Frittata’s
  • Mid-Morning Snack: A cheese stick
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken made into cilantro chicken salad
  • Afternoon Snack: Sugar-free peanut butter on celery
  • Dinner: Crock Pot Chicken & Bean Stew and Mini Zucchini cheese bites
  • Snack: Half a cup low fat cottage cheese topped with cucumber slices
  • Breakfast: Sante Fe Frittata’s
  • Mid Morning Snack: Spicy Mediterranean feta dip with raw veggies
  • Lunch: Soup, Green salad with cucumber, tomatoes, sweet peppers, dressed with extra virgin olive oil and vinegar
  • Afternoon Snack: cucumber tomato feta salad
  • Dinner: Italian green bean salad with low carb cheesy bread Sticks
  • Snack: Dairy free sugar-free vanilla chia pudding
  • Breakfast: Crustless Egg Muffin
  • Mid Morning Snack: Half a cup cottage cheese or ricotta with ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract, vanilla stevia
  • Lunch: Cheesy bread sticks and green bean salad
  • Afternoon Snack: Raw veggies and spicy Mediterranean dip
  • Dinner: Zucchini noodles and garlic lemon chicken drumsticks
  • Snack: Three hard boiled eggs, yolks removed
  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with sauteed spinach and mushrooms
  • Mid Morning Snack: Half a cup cottage cheese
  • Lunch: Light vegetable soup and zucchini noodles
  • Afternoon Snack: Tamari Almonds
  • Dinner: Chicken drumsticks and leftover green bean salad
  • Snack: Dairy free sugar-free vanilla chia pudding

If you want an alternative detox method, you should try the new Red Tea Detox. People are going crazy over it!