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5 Best Home Workout Gyms for 2019

If you’re ready for a home workout gym so you can get your fitness on whenever you want, I did some research and found the best home workout gyms available and they’re even on Amazon.

It’s important to know what you want out of your home gym. Convenience and versatility are major concerns. Also, I understand everyone has different training goals so I tried to recommend home gyms that I felt were complete and could benefit anyone ready to start exercising at home.

Here’s a list of my 5 favorite home workout gyms in no particular order…

1. Marcy Diamond Elite Smith Workout Machine

Marcy Home Workout GymThe Marcy Diamond Elite Smith Cage is designed for the home, but built like a club machine. This total body training system includes a Smith machine, with precision, linear bearings, an Olympic free-weight rack and a cable routed pulley system.

This is complete all-in-one training system features an innovative structure that combines arm and leg stations for training different muscle groups and implementing comprehensive workouts. This limits the need to change equipment between workouts.

The Marcy Diamond Smith Cage combines 3 different machines into one compact design allowing you to perform over 100 exercises. It also comes with a unique dual pulley system cable cross that allows you to perform functional type exercises to train sport specific and everyday movements.

2. Powerline Home Gym with Leg Press

Powerline Home Workout Gym

The Powerline Home Gym is user-friendly, multi-functional and cleverly engineered to offer various free-range movements and exceptional range of motion for any size user.

The weighted stack is 160 lbs but you can upgrade it to 210 lbs. It includes an adjustable seat to accommodate a range of heights. This training system also has functional fixed pulleys for pulled downs and cross overs to target those stabilizer muscles.

In addition to the main training unit, there’s also a leg press seat.

With a 10-year warranty, you’ll know if anything if there’s a problem it will be taken care of.

3. Body Solid G1S Compact Home Gym

Body Solid Home Workout Station

The G1S is the newest and updated addition to the Body Solid home gym collection. This compact workout station is a little smaller than the others but it still supports a 160 lbs weight stack.

With 40 exercises to choose from, you’ll be sure to hit all those muscle groups you’re aiming for. It also has a multi-grip arm press and adjustable seat. With the smaller size comes a smaller price tag as well.

The best part is, Body Solid really delivers with a lifetime warranty on everything. It also includes a lat bar, straight bar, ankle strap, ab/tricep strap, water bottle and towel holder, and the Total Body Workout™ DVD.

4. Bowflex Xtreme 2SE Home Gym


The Bowflex Xtreme 2 SE bring the reliability that comes with Bowflex, and puts it into a machine that is capable of performing over 70 exercises. This home gym comes with a standard 210 lbs resistance with the option to upgrade to 310 lbs or even 410 lbs!

It also includes a Lat Tower, leg extension, an abdominal crunch harness and a 4-position lower pulley/squat station.

The Xtreme 2 SE utilizes Bowflex’s patented Power Rods that provide resistance instead of free weights which can cause join paint. What’s always been cool about the Bowflex system is how easy it is to change the cables.

5. Body Solid G10B-LP Bi-Angular Gym with Leg Press

This is the Big Kahuna! Body Solid Home Workout Gym has their Bi-Angular® Technology. The Bi-Angular Press Arm actually provides resistance from two directions. This is suppose to increase muscle interaction by 25%.

This means you should see results even faster. The Bi-Angular arms also give you different angles to do chest presses. It includes swivel style arms for increased range of motion which allows for deeper stretching and muscle development.

You’ll also be able to target those biceps and biceps with the 3 height adjustable pulleys. It supports a 210 lbs stack. Don’t worry you can hit your legs too! The GLP Leg Press has a 2:1 which means that 210 lbs feels like 420 lbs. If you still need more weight, you can upgrade the stack with an additional 50 lbs.

Of course there’s a ton of home gyms available on Amazon, I just took the time to look through and see which ones give the best options based on versatility and also reviews.

I hope you enjoy a your new home workout machine if you decide to get one. A healthier life is always a more enjoyable one!