Browse Year: 2017

7 Fat Burning Foods You Must Have in Your Diet!

Before we go any further, I have to break the news to you…

There are no foods that actually burn fat. Some foods can have what’s known as a thermic effect, where they require more calories to process so your body only keeps a certain percentage. On average, we can say protein requires around 30% of it’s calories to process, with carbs being approximately 15%, and fat around 5%. That means you’ll keep 70% of protein calories, 85% of calories from carbs, and 95% of calories from fat. Now I know why those cupcakes seem to pack on more pounds!

Well as long as we stick to a healthy diet low in fat and with a decent amount of protein and carbs we should be alright.

Here’s a list of 7 foods that are low in fat but a great source of nutrients not only essential to weight loss but your overall health as well. Not only are they delicious, they’ll do more for your health than a cupcake! 🙂


1.  Wild Salmon

Salmon is a great source of lean protein. Since it is high in protein, it can keep you feeling full longer, which can lead to consuming less calories, which is another win! Not only is salmon a great source of lean protein, this fish is full of omega-3 fatty acids which help burn fat and block fat storage.


2. Quinoa

Loaded with protein and fiber, quinoa is like a “superfood”. It’s also high in iron and vitamin B12 which are used for energy production and weight loss. If you’re lacking these vitamins, it could slow weight loss as your body will have a harder time with synthesizing nutrients.


3. Walnuts

Another great source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, these nuts contain polyunsaturated fats that can slow hunger and increase fullness. Also, the nuts are a source of rare antioxidants that can aid in cardiovascular health, circulation, and memory. Nice!


4. Kale

Don’t let this veggie’s color fool you. With more vitamin C than an orange, kale is great to boost your immune system. We all need a healthy immune system if we plan on dieting and/or exercising to lose weight. Kale is also packed with fiber to support your digestive system while still containing very few calories.


5. Brown Rice

Whole-grain rice has more nutrients than refined white rice but when it comes to burning fat, your body will burn twice the amount of calories to break down whole foods rather than refined grains such as corn. Now you can eat brown rice knowing you’ll burn more calories!


6. Grapefruit

This fruit actually lowers insulin levels in small amounts. This decreases the amount of sugar the body stores as fat. Lower insulin levels can also curb your appetite. Here’s the coolest thing. Grapefruit is known as as negative calorie food and takes more calories to digest than what’s in the fruit itself.



7. Almonds

This nut is rich in fatty acids omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9. They’re also high in protein to help build lean muscle mass and their mono-saturated fats help target our abdominal region and reduce belly fat. Don’t forget they’re full of fiber which aids your body in digestion and lowers cholesterol.

So remember, there’s no actual fat-burning foods, but some foods can help you lose weight. What if you could just cure cravings once and for all?

Wouldn’t that be something?

Well you can!

Check out this video to learn more.



3 “Diet Foods” That Are Currently Sabotaging Your Health

turtle burger

The Tortoise Never Actually Wins: Debunking the Diet Industry’s “Slow and Steady” Approach

The mainstream dieting industry continues to push the “Eat less, exercise more” mantra. Meanwhile, American dieters attempt 5 diets per year, and 95% of them ultimately fail, according to one study.

The slow and steady approach can be effective, but it is primarily an oversimplified solution to a complex problem.

Brian Flatt, owner of R.E.V Fitness and creator of The 2 Week Diet, suggests that truly effective solutions must account for recent findings on the interplay of hormones and calories, cellular inflammation, and the complex psychology of weight loss.

“The key to weight loss is not counting calories — this should be evident by the obesity problem we have here in the U.S. Losing weight has much more to do with eliminating bad calories while increasing good calories, using a strategic system that accounts for how the body’s hormones process nutrients,” he proposes.

“In other words, failure to lose weight in the past has not been your fault. Instead, you have not been given the correct weight loss system.”

Cellular inflammation, a little-known and even less understood problem, is actually a leading cause of weight gain.

Flat echoes recent studies from Harvard Medical School, “Control of cellular inflammation can effectively increase our ability to lose weight, burn fat, increase metabolism, and keep body fat from returning.” Put simply, managing cellular inflammation leads to a healthier and longer life.

The vast majority of current dieting techniques neglect the psychological forces surrounds dieting attempts, which often make or break a diet’s success.

With his thousands of his clients in mind, Flatt remarks, “Again and again it’s been shown that strict, hard-to-follow plans simply don’t work. The same goes for diets that don’t produce immediate results.”

The 2 Weeks Diet does away with the “Eat less, exercise more” paradigm for good. Instead, dieters eat essential nutrients that the body needs for good health and proper functioning, while eliminating nutrients that slow or even prevent fat-burning.

The program also utilizes several supplements that, in combination with the diet, help users recruit body fat to be burned for fuel, thereby maintaining their lean body mass, and raising their metabolism.

Flatt promises, “In the first week alone, your clothes will be looser, you will feel lighter and you’ll feel 10 times better.”

To learn more about The 2 Week Diet and how it can help you lose 8-16 pounds in just 14 days, click here.




Statistics Link:

does the boiled egg diet work

The Boiled Egg Diet – Does it Work?

I’m sure you’ve heard about the boiled egg diet by now, right?

Well if you haven’t, and you’ve been wanting to lose weight, it’s your lucky day!

Recently, many health enthusiasts and fitness experts have been talking about the results of this boiled egg diet and how you can lose up to 24 pounds in a few weeks.

Is it possible?

Does it work?

I haven’t personally tried the diet (yet) but I am thinking about it. However, the thought of not having a slice of pie for weeks hurts my soul.

Technically, it makes sense.

You need to consume less calories than your burn per day. If you’re only eating boiled eggs and fruits and vegetables, you would probably consume less than half of your normal daily consumption. Couple that with exercise and you have a recipe for success.

Since eggs are known for being a great source of protein, they can provide energy as well as help fill you up. Not only that, the diet can increase your metabolism and lower your body fat.

The boiled egg diet is 2 weeks. Follow the diet plan below and try to stick to it.

A few simple things to stay away from are salt, sugar, and bread. If you can cut those out or at least minimize them, you will increase your results guaranteed!

The 2 Week Diet

The Boiled Egg Diet

Week 1:


  • Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and chose a one whole citrus fruit
  • Lunch – 2 sweet potatoes and 2 apples (green or red)
  • Dinner – a salad and a piece of chicken (I would say baked)


  • Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and your choice of a citrus fruit
  • Lunch – a green salad and cooked chicken
  • Dinner – an orange, a salad, and 2 boiled eggs


  • Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and a citrus fruit
  • Lunch – small serving of low-fat cheese, a tomato, and one piece of sweet potato
  • Dinner – green salad with cooked piece of chicken (again, baked is always healthier)


  • Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and a citrus fruit
  • Lunch – one whole fruit of your choices
  • Dinner – steamed chicken and green salad


  • Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and a citrus fruit
  • Lunch – 2 boiled eggs and steam vegetables
  • Dinner – grilled fish and a green salad


  • Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and your choice of citrus fruit
  • Lunch – another fruit
  • Dinner – chicken and steamed vegetables


  • Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and a fruit
  • Lunch – salad, steamed vegetables and a nice piece of chicken
  • Dinner – larger portion of steamed vegetables

Second Week


  • Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and a fruit
  • Lunch – green salad and piece of chicken
  • Dinner – an orange, a green salad and 2 boiled eggs


  • Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and a fruit
  • Lunch – 2 boiled eggs and steamed vegetables
  • Dinner – grilled fish and a salad


  • Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and a fruit (always your choice)
  • Lunch – green salad and a piece of chicken
  • Dinner – vegetable salad, an orange and 2 boiled eggs


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs, and your favorite citrus fruit.
  • Lunch you can eat steamed vegetables paired with low-fat cheese and two boiled eggs.
  • Dinner will be a little salad with one piece of chicken.


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs, and your favorite citrus fruit.
  • Lunch should be a salad with salmon or your favorite grilled fish.
  • Dinner you can have two boiled eggs and a salad.


  • Breakfast – almost there!…2 boiled eggs and a citrus fruit
  • Lunch s- a green salad and a piece of chicken
  • Dinner – sorry..just a fruit


  • Breakfast – you get 2 boiled eggs
  • Lunch – steamed vegetables and steamed chicken
  • Dinner – steamed vegetables and steamed chicken again


Well hopefully you’ll make it to the end. If you do, you’ll be real familiar with boiled eggs and fruit by the time you finish that’s for sure!

Are you up for the challenge?

If you’re really up for a challenge and want to lose weight, Check Out This New 2 Week Diet that’s getting insane results!